Title Type Author Date Size Tags
Joe 61 .pdf December 07, 2015 2.03 MB Download
Joe 61 editorial Editorial .pdf Wayne Hugo and Carol Bertram December 07, 2015 209.11 KB Download
Joe 61 carrim Critical agency in the post-apartheid education system .pdf Nazir Carrim December 07, 2015 365.38 KB Download
Joe 61 postma Critical agency in education: a Foucauldian perspective .pdf Dirk Postma December 07, 2015 363.38 KB Download
Joe 61 case Knowledge for teaching, knowledge about teaching: exploring the links between education research, scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) and scholarly teaching .pdf Jennifer Case December 07, 2015 291.37 KB Download
Joe 61 pillay Using participatory research with student teachers in a South African English Education lecture-room: methodological implications .pdf Ansurie Pillay December 07, 2015 262.61 KB Download
Joe 61 grant Invoking learner voice and developing leadership: what matters to learners? .pdf Callie Grant December 07, 2015 367.38 KB Download
Joe 61 meyer.abel Hastening slowly: insights about teacher development from an evaluation of courses at the WCED's Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute .pdf Susan Meyer and Lydia Abel December 07, 2015 529.43 KB Download
Joe 61 samuel Angels in the wind: future directions for educational research .pdf Michael Samuel December 07, 2015 1.09 MB Download
Joe 61 motala Equity, access and quality in basic education: a review .pdf Shireen Motala December 07, 2015 303.64 KB Download

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