Title Type Author Date Size Tags
editorial .pdf Rita Niemann and Dennis Francis July 02, 2012 195.69 KB Download
What does research say about teacher learning and teacher knowledge. Implications for professional development in South Africa .pdf Carol Bertram July 02, 2012 363.47 KB Download
Exploring the recontextualisation of biology in the South African life sciences curriculum, 1996 to 2009 .pdf Kathryn Johnson, Edith Dempster and Wayne Hugo July 02, 2012 2.43 MB Download
Turning the tide on illiteracy, a search for early childhood language stimulation among Free State pre schoolers .pdf Annalene van Staden and David Griessel July 02, 2012 484.64 KB Download
Concept formation, the case for moral knowledge, an ethnographic enquiry .pdf Patrick Jaki July 02, 2012 388.40 KB Download
Self perception of a South African urban school district .pdf Clive Smith July 02, 2012 299.88 KB Download
Reimagining research teaching, our living journey with our students towards improved practices .pdf Rita Niemann and Nalize Marais July 02, 2012 1.11 MB Download
The impact of institutional differentiation on master's programmes in South Africa .pdf Ana Naidoo and Ari Naidoo July 02, 2012 1.72 MB Download
Building a community of critical researchers, regenerating the academy .pdf Kerryn Dixon, Hilary Janks, Yvonne Reed and Susan Walden July 02, 2012 357.64 KB Download

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